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About RTT

“Who am I?
What do I want?
What is my purpose?”

You follow the rules and conform to what society says you “should” do;
You take care of everyone else, even live for everyone else…
Then one day, you awaken to the realization that…
…You’ve LOST yourself in the process. 

Everyone seems to be pushing ahead of you, while you are lagging behind, searching for answers…

Hiding, frozen, STUCK…
In pain; 

Time has taken over your life…

You ruminate over the past with its what ifs… and should haves…, could haves…, would haves… and you have forebodings about the future, desperately clasping at an illusion of control in this spiral of negativity; 

Old unresolved conflicts are stirred, activating a critical inner voice that keeps repeating destructive messages you absorbed early in life, messages like there is something “wrong” or “bad” about you, some things are not available to you, or you do not belong… 

…It affects your work, your relationships, your social skills, your parenting, your sleep, your weight…

…It affects any goal you are striving for;

Only now, you’ve reached that turning point where you‘ve had ENOUGH!  ENOUGH of the perpetual cycle of suffering,  ENOUGH of the invisible chains holding you back,  ENOUGH of that critical inner voice… …because you realize the only one stopping you from moving forward is YOU! 

And you are ready to leave the old you behind and step into the empowered you! You are ready to get out of your own way, heal you past and design your future, You are ready to create your own sense of meaning and purpose, You are ready to let go of who you “should” be and become who you are meant to be,

You are ready to re-activate the innate confidence you were born with and embrace your true self, so that you can achieve your goals and live the life you deserve.

If this is you, then you are in the right place!

What is RTT?

RTT is a cutting-edge therapy founded by Marisa Peer, best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Leading Celebrity Therapist and Pioneering Hypnotherapist Trainer. Marisa Peer has spent over 3 decades perfecting her method and treating a client list that includes international superstars, CEO’s, Royalty and Olympic athletes. She has helped thousands of people rapidly overcome deep personal issues and since 2015 has trained thousands of others in her method, including myself.  

Collectively, we, her graduates, are changing lives around the world thanks to her.

-Based on neuroscience, RTT is a blend of the most beneficial aspects of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT. 

-RTT yields unmatched, rapid and lasting change from physical, emotional, and psychological pain by identifying the origin of an issue and re-framing the beliefs, habits and emotions around it.

-New neural pathways are wired into the brain by replacing out-dated limiting beliefs, habits and emotions imbedded in the subconscious mind with new life-affirming ones. 

-RTT can be done in person or virtually from the comfort of your own home via Skype or Zoom. 

Regardless of the means by which the session is conducted, in person or virtually, RTT always delivers a profound rapid transformation in as little as one to three sessions because it gets to the root cause of an issue and eliminates it.

RTT is endorsed by: the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, the International Institute of Complementary Therapies and many other International bodies.


How do we acquire limiting beliefs?

Most researchers agree that by age seven, a person’s core beliefs are formed. Core beliefs are assumptions we hold to be absolute truths about ourselves, other people, and the world we live in. They are convictions we have deep down in our subconscious, underneath our conscious thoughts, convictions that shape our reality. We may even have different beliefs for the different roles we play in life, which explains why you may be confident at work but find yourself incapable of setting boundaries in your personal life. Beliefs are generally formed in two ways: by our experiences, interpretations we make and meanings we attribute to events we experience, or by accepting what others tell us to be true.


The majority of our beliefs are positive and self-serving as they help us navigate through life and most are naturally updated and changed as we develop and master various skills growing up. However, when our inherent emotional needs are perceived to be or are indeed not met early in life and we experience strong emotions, or what is called childhood trauma, that lead to a belief being formed, this belief becomes embedded in the subconscious mind and can hold us back or limit us as adults. 


We are all born with two powerful emotional needs: finding connection and avoiding rejection. You see back when we lived in tribes, no one could survive on their own in the wilderness, so being rejected or ousted by the tribe meant death and making a connection to members of the tribe meant survival. When you delve into the issues of almost anyone, you can trace their problems back to those two needs not being fulfilled in some way. Why? Well to a certain extent, we still have this tribal mindset and we form our core beliefs around love and security very early in life because those two areas are essential for our survival. As dependent children, if we are aren’t loved and cared for enough or aren’t safe, then we instinctively know we can die. When something goes wrong, we feel responsible, thinking there is something wrong or bad about us, because our caregivers couldn’t possibly be wrong. If they were, we wouldn’t survive and that is just unfathomable. Then as adults, we wonder why we keep experiencing the same challenges over and over again, such as depression, anxiety, self-sabotage, procrastination, weight problems, addictions or fear of exposure. All too often these issues turn into self-loathing and an acceptance of the notion that we will never be able to become who we want to be. Consciously, we assume it is our fault, while subconsciously, we are still blinded by the suffering from the source of the rejection and disconnection to even realize what is happening at the surface level.


So from those two inherent emotional needs of finding connection and avoiding rejection, stem three major fears: fear of being different (if we are different, we cannot connect), fear of being rejected, and fear of something not being available to us (love, success, wealth, health, happiness etc..). And of those three fears, the common denominator of all our issues is not feeling enough: not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, not big enough, not important enough, not loveable enough and the list goes on…  It simply comes down to the belief: I’m not enough, I never have been, I never will be.  


Let’s assume you are an 8 months old infant who woke up in the middle of the night crying to be picked up. Perhaps this time you cry longer than usual and experience a lot of stress and despair, so you interpret no one coming to pick you up to mean you are not lovable. If you were lovable or good enough, then someone would be there for you and since your caregiver isn’t coming for you, then that proves there’s something wrong with you. In reality, it may be that your mother appeared a few seconds later and soothed you back to sleep. However, the belief was already formed and, if left unchanged, it will limit you later in life. 


At such an early age, we haven’t developed reasoning skills and logic yet, so none of this is logical thinking or in any way conscious. So in that moment, the belief that “I am not lovable” becomes programmed into your subconscious mind and it continues to control your choices and decisions and actions later in life.  This belief also becomes reinforced through other events in your life, because, like a magnet, you seem to attract similar events to justify this belief. So as a toddler, your mother is the only late parent to collect you from nursery. As a teenager, you may not get picked for a team sport. In college, the guy that you absolutely adore and would love to date likes someone else. As an adult, you get passed over for promotions at work. Your experiences are screened through this belief and you subconsciously respond with “See, more proof, I’m not good enough, I am not lovable.” 


Or let’s assume you are a three-year-old trying to reach the door handle of your room. You struggle to reach the handle, but no matter what you just can’t and nobody comes to help you. So you sit down on the floor and have a meltdown, feeling completely overwhelmed and helpless.  In that moment, a belief is formed that you are bad because you cannot open the door and there is nothing you can do about it. If this belief is not changed or updated, it will cause you to give up and feel helpless or overwhelmed later in life when you can’t see a solution, or you may procrastinate when faced with challenging situations or consistently self-sabotage when trying to achieve any goal you set for yourself. In reality, there may have been a step stool next to the door. It may even be that a few minutes later, you saw the step stool and used it to reach the handle, open the door and go on your merry way. However, the belief was already formed, and will control your habits of thought and action later in life.  


As you can see, childhood trauma need not be something horrific as war or rape or abuse. It can be merely experiencing strong emotions and forming a belief based on how you interpreted the situation.  There’s no way to determine what situations and experiences may traumatize one person, because those same situations may have absolutely no effect on another. An experience that now seems trivial to your adult mind, was once seen as devastating to your child mind and the belief that was consequently stored in your subconscious mind is still actively controlling your choices and decisions as an adult. 


In addition, you need not always experience strong emotions when forming a belief that may later limit you. You may simply accept what others tell you as true, such as absorbed messages from authority figures, the media, your culture, … If what is accepted is limiting, even if what you consciously believe is the opposite, then you will find yourself repeating a pattern over and over again, either wondering why this keeps happening to you or perhaps assuming that’s just how things are. Let’s assume you grew up in a low-income household where you were consistently told that only the rich get richer. As an adult, you may find yourself struggling financially even though you really want to achieve a certain level of wealth. You are experiencing this because you subconsciously accepted that only the rich make money, and since you are not rich, then money isn’t available to you. All your choices, decisions, and actions towards achieving the income you consciously want are subconsciously sabotaged because they are motivated and driven by this belief. So unless you change this belief, you will keep repeating this pattern, because it is all you know and what you hold onto. 


You might think you have dealt with past traumas; you might read a lot of motivational material, practice mindfulness, and even master meditation and visualization and gratitude. These are great and necessary steps to start working on yourself, but these methods work on a conscious level. Change may happen, you will become more aware, present and even alleviate some anxiety, but your subconscious mind will keep sabotaging you and you will keep feeling not quite good enough no matter your accomplishments or relationships. 

To get lasting change, you need to take control of your mind. You need to learn the three main rules of the mind so you can consciously better dialogue with it. And since you are dealing with limiting beliefs that are deep in your subconscious, you need to work on yourself on the subconscious level. You need to access the belief that was formed and reframe it and you need to learn to redirect that fear around rejection and disconnection and turn it into radical self-love and self-acceptance, tremendous self-belief and an unwavering sense of self-worth. The great news is that you can do all that with RTT!

How does RTT work?

In an RTT session, I initially guide you into a deep relaxed state and then with your active participation: 

  • I investigate through regression and other tools the meaning or interpretation you have attributed to relevant past events that formed the dis-empowering beliefs that led to your presenting issue; 
  • I interrupt the beliefs by re-framing the meaning attached to those events and offer powerful emotional release through various techniques. This connects you with your true self and empowers you to let go of those old non-serving beliefs, effectively setting you free from pain or the inner chains holding you back;
  • I install new neural pathways in your brain by providing you with a personalized audio recording for you to listen to at home for at least 21 consecutive days. The mind learns by repetition and this repetitive and consistent listening will re-code new, self-serving beliefs, outlined by you in your intake form, so that you can lead the life you have always wanted to. 

I know that my clients are time starved and come to me in pain. They want rapid results. With RTT, transformation is possible in one to three sessions, depending on the issue.  Not only is it rapid, it is lasting as well. A session can last between 90-180 minutes in duration and can be done in person or virtually.  So if you live in another country or in a remote area, you need not worry, you can have your session over Zoom. It works brilliantly every time.  Clients are involved with me in breaking patterns of disempowering beliefs and then changing them. This leads to powerful transformation.

Who is it for?

(RTT can be used for many issues and on people of all ages, except those suffering from epilepsy or psychosis – written permission from a General Practitioner or Psychiatrist would be required prior to consideration).

Confidence Reactivate specializes in helping women who feel lost find their true selves and the supreme confidence they were born with to attain their goals with ease in the following areas:

Areas of struggle:

Achieving Goals
Emotional Eating
Fear of Failure/Success
Food Addiction
Imposter Syndrome
Pain Control
Public Speaking
Scarcity Mindset
Wealth Blocks
Weight Control
Weight Issues


If you’re stuck in one or all of those areas and you’ve been thinking of a way to release the pain inside you, then you’ve come to the right place. Together, let’s ignite your true self and transform YOU into your most powerful and confident self.

Book a complimentary, no obligation 20 minutes virtual Zoom chat to ask your questions and gain some clarity as to how I can help you.
Then select the experience that suits your needs best.